A revised and updated edition of the manifesto that shows how simplicity is not merely having less stress and more leisure but an essential spiritual discipline for the health of our soul.
A Yearly Read
By Lincolnamadrid
This book belongs in a list of modern classics that deserve to be read yearly, in my opinion. While Foster's Celebration Of Disciplines is fantastic, as is Prayer (among others), in Freedom Of Simplicity a picture emerges of a way of living before God that is holistic in its scope, yet accessible at the same time.
What I find in Foster (and in his mentor, Dallas Willard) is a strong and confident voice of exhortation, yet lacking the severe tone that some modern authors tend to exhibit - albeit unintentionally. Foster is like the father or grandfather that quietly comes in and offers up sound wisdom in a way that is gentle and strong all at once.
This book - along with a few choice others - deserve to be read once per year in my opinion. You won't regret this purchase.
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