Timeless - Scott Prussing


By Scott Prussing

  • Release Date: 2015-05-14
  • Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 6 Ratings


Timeless is Book Eight in the captivating paranormal romance series The Blue Fire Saga. It is also a sequel to my post-apocalyptic fantasy novel Anomaly. It's filled with magic and romance, supernatural wonders and dangers, familiar characters and new ones...
Timeless is an ambitious and challenging undertaking. It is a “combination sequel,” meaning it is a sequel to both the Blue Fire Saga books and to Anomaly, mixing characters and story lines from both. I’ve made every effort to write the book so that it can be enjoyed by Blue Fire fans without reading Anomaly first. Even so, you will almost certainly enjoy Timeless much more if you do read Anomaly prior to embarking on your journey in Timeless. Either way, enjoy!
