Converting Adabas to IBM DB2 for z/OS with ConsistADS - Paolo Bruni

Converting Adabas to IBM DB2 for z/OS with ConsistADS

By Paolo Bruni

  • Release Date: 2020-06-04
  • Genre: Databases


Consist Advanced Development Solution (ConsistADS) is an end-to-end conversion solution that conversion and transparency methods for migrating to IBM® DB2® for z/OS® software. The solution includes DB2 for z/OS and several DB2 tools as part of the package.

This IBM Redpaper™ publication explains the Natural and Adabas conversion to DB2 for z/OS by using ConsistADS. It includes prerequisite technical assessment requirements and conversion challenges. It also describes a real customer conversion scenario that was provided by the IBM Business Partners that facilitated these conversions for customers.

Originally published in 2015, this paper has been updated in 2020 to include additional information about ConsistADS.
