Korean Homonyms - OpenStory Editorial Dept.

Korean Homonyms

By OpenStory Editorial Dept.

  • Release Date: 2015-05-01
  • Genre: Foreign Languages


Homonyms(동음 이의어: DongEum IUiEo) are words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. 
"Korean Homonyms"is an interactive book that helps readers to learn homonyms. 

How to use this book: 
1. Open the book
2. Turn up the volume and go to page 1
3. Check a homonym at the bottom of the page 
4. Touch the upper picture - you will hear the sound and guess the meaning  
5. Touch the lower picture - you will hear the sound and guess the meaning
6. Find out the meaning by touching the pencil icon 

The design of this book helps readers to recognize homonyms and allows them to distinguish different meanings of homonyms in sentences.
