eBay Bookkeeping Made Easy - Nick Vulich

eBay Bookkeeping Made Easy

By Nick Vulich

  • Release Date: 2015-01-31
  • Genre: Small Business & Entrepreneurship


Do you want to make more money selling on eBay?

You can buy stuff on the cheap, but that's all you're going to get. Cheap stuff.

The same goes for advice. There's a lot of free advice available on the internet, but a lot of it is overpriced, even when you're getting it for free.

When I first started selling online, I got all of my tax advice from blog posts. One of things every blogger said was, "Don't take the home office credit. It'll trigger an IRS audit."

I followed that advice the first couple years I sold online. I know I didn't want to risk an audit.

Several years later I found an accountant. When he suggested I take the home office deduction, I looked at him like he was some sort of killer clown from outer space.

And, that's when I discovered this one truth that will help you make more money from your online business.

Not everything you read on the internet is true!

Shocking advice, but I stand by it.


I've been selling online for fifteen years now. During that time I've learned a lot about bookkeeping, business permits, and taxes.

During that same time I have saved thousands of dollars in taxes by saving my receipts and keeping good records.

And, so here's the deal…

> Did you know eBay has an app that can automatically import all of your sales, fees, and other information and crunch the numbers to show whether you're making a profit or loss?

> That same app will also import all of your information from Etsy and Amazon.

> What would you say if I told you that you could save $500 or more on your taxes every year just by writing down the mileage when you head to the post office, store, or bank?

> And, you'd probably think I'd lost my marbles if I told you that you could deduct parts of your next vacation from your taxes.

It seems hard to believe, doesn't it?

The last thing I need to tell you is I'm not a bookkeeper or tax professional. I didn't study accounting in school, but I have kept my own books for fifteen years. I do my own taxes, and have them reviewed for accuracy by a professional. That one step saves me hundreds of dollars every year, while lowering my contribution to my accountants new Mercedes fund.

The advice in this little book can easily save you thousands of dollars every year. The question you need to ask yourself is, is it worth investing in this book to save thousands of dollars on your taxes?
