Breathe Me In - Erin McCarthy

Breathe Me In

By Erin McCarthy

  • Release Date: 2015-03-29
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
Score: 4.5
From 122 Ratings



After getting evicted, I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure my baby is fed. That includes playing nice with the twin sister I don’t remember and stealing baby food from a grocery store. Whatever it takes. I’ve been living on the streets as long as I can remember, and my son is the only good thing about my life. 

I don’t want to bust the pierced and sexy woman stealing at the grocery but neither do I believe her sob story. I’m a cop and the oldest of six siblings with a single mom, so I’m the one everyone depends on.  The good guy.  For once I just want to have some fun with the hot girl, and Anya wants a distraction from reality just as much as I do. 

Yet it turns out her past is real. In the dark world of black market babies, Anya and her son are in danger, and I can’t walk away from the mysterious and broken woman I’ve come to love. 

But neither can I trust her…


  • Eh

    By Mommyallenof3
    My least favorite in the series.
  • Wonderful but sometimes heartbreaking story

    By Ascarberry21
    This is the fifth book in the blurred lines series. Anya has never been wanted, she was separated from her twin sister in an orphanage in Russia. She was eventually adopted but was not good enough and they abandoned her. She has survived on her own. Now as she tries to reconnect with her sister she finds herself with her son so hungry she's about to pass out. A georgeous cop comes to her rescue but can the make it work while she tries to put closer to her past?
  • Dynamic! Anya will tug at hour heart.

    By Renae_D
    Kane and Anya relationships is very complex in Breath Me In. Anya is a very dynamic personality. Given up for adoptions from Russia, separated at birth from her twin sisters. Her adoptive parents returned her to the agency as they couldn't connect with her. They labeled her as strange. She was passed from foster family to foster family, to living on the street in New York in her teens. Kane's father left his mother with 6 kids, when he was 12 years old. Kane has a fear of being abandoned and Anya is scared of letting someone in. They dynamic's of this story captivate you, tug at your heart and are pulling for Anya all the way to the end.
  • Another Hot book from Erin McCarthy

    By Karla Andrews
    Another amazing, must have book from Erin McCarthys blurred lines series. Loved this book. Highly recommend it. Loved reading about Anya and Kane. Anya has nowhere to go with no money and a baby. She has to get to her twin sister for help. But runs into Kane first. Kane is a cop. But has trust issues. Actually they both do. Can they let their guard down for once to let love in.
  • Learn to Love, Learn to Trust

    By Liz C. B.
    In Breathe Me In, the fifth installment of Erin McCarthy’s Blurred Lines Series, the reader is introduced to Kane and becomes better acquainted with Anya-Chloe’s twin sister from Meant for Me (please note, although you can read Breathe Me In as a stand alone novel, I believe that Anya's story is even more compelling having known her history and that of Chloe's). While we only had a brief encounter with Anya in Meant for Me, this reader has been quite curious to read Anya's story and understand why she was so horrible to Chloe, if her life could have been much worse then some of the other characters in this amazing series, how did those experiences shape her, and could her story move me like the other characters’ stories. Yes...yes it did. Anya is a multi-layered character trying to survive and raise her son, hoping to understand how to love and support another person when she herself has never really experienced love or had anyone to lean on. And, each time I thought I understood her, I discovered another trait, learned another flaw, and was moved by another emotion. Kane is just an all-around amazing person, who is likely too trusting, too kind, and too open-minded for his own good. He is a wonderful character - authoritative, strong, and determined, but still also compassionate, loving, and vulnerable. He also has his triggers, and Anya pushes them - sometimes intentionally, and sometimes not. This couple felt real. They were not perfect by any means, they miscommunicated with and misunderstood each other, and sometimes they had to admit they were wrong and had to force themselves to trust the other. They illustrated how hard relationships usually are to maintain and how worthwhile they can be if you truly participate and work at them. Erin McCarthy has done it again-not that I ever doubted her. The Blurred Lines Series is my favorite to date. I received this book for free in exchange for a honest review.
  • Breathe Me In Rocks

    By Tammy Y2
    Breathe Me In by Erin McCarthy is book 5 in the Blurred Lines series. Erin saved the best for last. Anya and Kane are wonderful complex characters. Passionate and vulnerable too. I really love this book and was sorry to see it end. I was completely invested in these characters and their hot connection. it was nice to see Ethan and Chloe too. Erin never disappoints and this is another amazing book of hers. Very highly recommended.
  • Blurred Lines book #5

    By Miss Witching Powers..
    To say that Anya has had a rough life is a bit of an understatement. When the bottom falls out and Anya and her baby Asher are evicted, she decides to go to her sister Chloe. More bad luck comes her way on the bus trip and lands her in the path of Kane. Kane is a cop and Anya doesn’t trust anyone especially cops. But the two find themselves drawn to each other. Will they be able to overcome all of the obstacles and get the life Kane wants and Anya never could have imagined?
  • Favorite So Far in this Series

    By KJBookLover
    Oh my goodness this was one of my favorite books. I was so looking forward to reading this book after the last one. We learn about Anya in the previous book and i couldn't wait to read more about her in this book. Anya has lived a tough life after her rough start as a child in Russia to her rough childhood when she was bounced between foster homes and eventually she decide to runaway on to live on her own as a teenager. Since having a child she has made choices to scrape by to keep her child feed and a house over there heads. So Anya decides she is going to head to her sisters with the little items she has after she gets evicted out her last place she lived and hope she takes her in . Along the way Anya she meets Kane in the most unexpected of places as she is stealing baby food to feed her child. Kane decides he is going to help her and not bust her even though he is a cop. He thinks there is something special about her. After this incident at the store Anya and Kane begin to start spending more time together they have an instant attraction and know they have to figure this out. But can Kane handle the many times that Anya tries to pull away’s scared as there relationship builds. i want everyone to read this book. Its about rooting for the underdog and taking care of others and not giving up on them even when they push you away. i think that’s an amazing message. I received this as an ARC from the AUTHOR.
  • Great Addition to the Series!

    By Cpitcock
    I really enjoyed this 5th book in the Blurred Lines Series. Before reading the book, I was doubtful about Anya making a credible main character. I was soon relieved of that worry, as there was so much more to her than what was apparent in the last book. She was very complicated and not always easy to like, but her fierce determination to do right by her son made me admire her. She hadn't had an easy life, and had never been shown love, so she didn't have much trust in relationships. Kane, on the other hand, was nurturing, and it was in his nature to take care of everyone. It was his inclination to step in and rescue everyone else without thinking much about what he needed. I really enjoyed the story of these two getting to know one another, and finding their way to a relationship that worked for both of them. Anya is an impoverished, young single mother who has always had to look out for herself. She's afraid a man she turned to when she was backed into a corner will harm her son, so she seeks shelter with the twin sister she only recently realized she had. From experience, she knows to trust no one, but when she meets Kane at a bus station, he lends help when she needs it most. As they get to know one another, Anya is afraid to trust in her developing feelings for Kane. If they are to be able to have anything together, she will have to overcome her past in order to trust and believe in Kane and what they could have. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Breathe Me In. It was a very quick and easy book to read. It had great characters and an interesting storyline. I was glad to see the characters from the last book again, and was completely satisfied with the way the story played out.
  • Another freaking fantastic book by Erin McCarthy!!!!

    By Nikki Lawson
    Another freaking fantastic book by Erin McCarthy!!!! Breathe Me In is book five in the Blurred Lines series and is Anya and Kane's story. Anya is Chloe's (from Meant for Me) twin sister and a single mother who has hit rock bottom. Anya and Chloe were abandoned by their parents and put into foster care, where they were split apart at the age of three. Anya doesn't remember Chloe and has learned not to trust anyone, she reacts very badly when Chloe tracks her down and they meet for the first time. When she gets kicked out of her apartment for refusing to have sex with the manager, she turns to Chloe and Ethan hoping they will take her and her son, Asher in. On her way to Chloe, Anya, who has no money and hasn't eaten in days, is desperate to get food for Asher and steals some baby food from a convenient store. She's confronted by a fellow shopper, Kane, who is also a cop, about her theft but he lets her go after buying her a sandwich, giving her some cash and making her give him her number. Their relationship is a series of ups and downs, Anya can't let go of her trust issues and Kane is the classic knight in shining armor, he does everything he can to ensure she is safe, happy and protected. This story was pretty intense and sometimes frustrating, I just wanted Anya to let go of the past and open her eyes to see what was in right front of her face.
