Convoluted…and still not over
By Needs a TOC
If you like Meltzer and the Culper Ring, you’ll enjoy the many facets of this part of the tale. Suspense, murders, bad guys, good guys, hard to know the difference at times. And this can’t be theclast in the series.
So many plot holes it’s like reading Swiss cheese
By Amigo73
If holes and inconsistencies bother you take a pass on this one. There’s so much that is so far fetched that it becomes comical and stops being drama. And every dialogue is filled with incomplete sentences. No one speaks like that. It does convey urgency or reality. Rather it’s just sloppy and lazy writing.
The President' Shadow
By Andy Andtrws
Excellent thoroughly enjoyed it like the previous two. I still feel you could do a fourth in the series and be successful with it. I wonder how it would read. Thanks for a great reading adventure!
Presidents Shadow
By ShortshiftMX5
This story basically plodded along. Every once in a while the story line picked up, but that was rare. Even after the tale was over, there were three more chapters.
By DaboDog
I have loved following Beecher White and his journey with the Culper Ring. This book was a fitting end to the trilogy.
Good read
By profkingfish
Some plot points were predictable but still a good read.
The presidents shadow
By Linda Hotes
Worst book he has ever written
By E122
I wonder if each chapter was written by a different person and stitched together my an editor on LSD?
New summer favorite!!
By Wilson6725390
Brilliant page turner. Loved the historical aspect the author always incorporates in his books. Can't wait for the next one!
The President's Shadow
By Super Clock
Easy reading, good story, however, it bogged down in certain parts.