Learn How To Walk In God's Victory!
Throughout the Bible, you will find that God used the most unlikely and ordinary people to bring about His victory plan upon the earth—people just like you and me. And down through the centuries, great men and women of faith have been those who found out what God’s victory plan was for them, and then followed that plan exactly so they could walk in triumph.
All of God’s plans bring victory. God always plans for victory, because He wants His children to succeed and triumph in life. In fact, you will never find one time in the Bible where God’s plans failed when His people obeyed Him.
God has a plan of victory and triumph for you too. But you have a part to play in your own success. Only you can determine whether you will be a victim or a victor, a faith failure or a faith giant. God’s Victory Plan will show you how to take your place as a partner with God so you can succeed in everything you do! As you follow God’s plan exactly, you’ll enter into victory as a way of life!