In Pastor Smith’s previous books, many important subjects are presented relating to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Each book presents biblical truths that are essential for God’s people to understand and experience in order to be ready for Christ’s second advent.
In this book, Spirit Baptism & the 1888 Message of Righteousness by Faith, the message of righteousness by faith given to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1888 by A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner is reviewed. In addition, Pr. Smith makes application of this essential truth to the Christian’s life today, which will lead to amazing victories over temptation and sin in the believer’s life.
Pr. Smith’s experience has been that most Christians do not (experientially) understand righteousness by faith—a condition similar to the situation of the church in 1888. Our merciful Lord is today once again opening this message before His people.
When the message of righteousness by faith is understood and experienced, the latter rain of the Spirit will fall; the “loud cry” of the third angel of Revelation will be proclaimed in power; and Jesus will return in glory. The teaching about righteousness by faith presented in this book is for every Christian today. It will also be necessary for those living when Jesus comes, in order to traverse through the final crisis victoriously and be ready for His return.