Korean Phrases for Teachers - OpenStory Editorial Dept.

Korean Phrases for Teachers

By OpenStory Editorial Dept.

  • Release Date: 2014-09-02
  • Genre: Foreign Languages


“The most useful Korean Phrases for Teachers" is an interactive book that readers can learn about useful Korean phrases for teaching. There are two ways of speaking in Korean. One is formal/honorific, the other is informal. If you teach adults you need to speak formally, if you teach kids you need to speak informally with the commanding voice. With this book you can learn both and compare the difference between two. 

How to use this book: 
1. Open the book
2. Touch the upper text (formal style)
3. Find out the meaning 
4. Touch the sound icon 
5. Hear the Korean native sound
6. Mimic the sound with ruminating the meaning 
7. Repeat the step 2~5 on the bottom text (informal style)

The simplicity of this book helps readers to focus on what they see and hear and allows them to recognize/learn Korean phrases effectively for teaching/education. 

Download the sample book first and see how it works.
