God's Message To You
Throughout the Bible, from the very first pages of Genesis to the last pages of the Book of Revelation, God has interwoven a message to His people everywhere: “Don’t quit! Keep trusting Me! I will bring you through any difficulty, and I will make you victorious in Me if you will only keep on believing Me and taking Me at My Word.”
We must realize that even the greatest men and women of the Bible at times faced challenging obstacles they had to overcome by their faith in God. They knew what it was to believe God in the face of all opposing circumstances, yet held on tenaciously to their faith in God. But they learned the secret of not trying to overcome the challenges of life in their own strength; instead, they learned to look to God.
Yes, there will be challenges to our faith; there will be those times when we will be tempted to quit and give up. But what glory it brings to God when we hold on to His Word and believe Him in spite of every opposition and see the fulfillment of His plan come to pass in our lives!
By applying the principles outlined in this book, you will learn:
• How to be a success.
• How to face the fire and come out of your test or trial victorious.
• How to develop the faith that won’t quit.