Contributors: Billy Graham, Janine Tartaglia-Metcalf, Eugene H. Peterson, Maxie Dunnam, William H. Willimon, Elizabeth Achtemeier, John A. Huffman, David Busic, Haddon W. Robinson, Dr. James Earl Massey, Darius Salter, Marva Dawn
Billy Graham, Eugene Peterson, William Willimon and other well-known church leaders teach you how to connect with the congregation through your preaching. Beyond the "how-to's" of preaching, The Pastor's Guide provides a foundation for embodying God's grace and holiness as a means of communicating His message.
Great preachers of our time will teach you how to:
• Plan an extended preaching schedule
• Keep your congregation engaged in what you're saying
• Improve your delivery
• Develop ideas for content
• And much more!
160 pages.