My name is Phillipa Hilda Schultz, but everybody calls me Pippi (It’s pronounced pee-pee. Yeah, I know). I run a boarding house for people in the early winter of their lives. You know what I mean… People whose leaves are thinning, and whose lawns are slightly frosty in the early mornings.
I inherited the business from my grams and had no experience running a boarding house when I stepped in. There’s no question I’ve had my hands full. Fractious boarders, broken appliances, leaky roofs, and a very distracting next-door neighbor who makes my engine rev. (Oops…did I say that last thing out loud?) The best thing I can do for myself is to stay away from Jack Walters. He has a tendency to cloud my thoughts and turn me into a babbling idiot. Forget I mentioned him. I mean, the real problem is the dead body my plucky little blonde dachshund, Iris, found in the flower beds.
No amount of training would have prepared me for that. Also, did I mention that the sexy next-door neighbor used to be a cop before starting his own security company?
Yeah, under the circumstances, staying away from him is going to be a challenge.
In fact, it might be nigh on impossible.
Oh darn.
This is a five-part serialized romantic mystery novel. I hope you enjoy this fun serialization!
Part One, November
Part Two, December
Part Three, January
Part Four, February
Part Five, March