What You Practice Is What You Have - Cheri Huber

What You Practice Is What You Have

By Cheri Huber

  • Release Date: 2024-11-02
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


Our lives are the result of what we practice. For example, if we practice "chasing after money" or "I'm overwhelmed with work" or "things should be different," that's the life experience we will have. Focusing on "something wrong" and "not enough" will create a life of lack or failure. If we want our lives to be different, we must practice the difference we want. To have a different practice we must 1) recognize our current practice, 2) clarify the practice we want instead, and 3) learn to practice moment by moment what we choose. The sequel to Cheri Huber' s perennial best seller There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate, this book further exposes with clarity and humor the antics of mental conditioning and self-hate. It introduces the powerful practice of Recording and Listening with tools and techniques to develop the relationship with the Wisdom, Love and Compassion that allow us to transcend self-hate.
