Driving on the Left in Britain - Stuart Reid

Driving on the Left in Britain

By Stuart Reid

  • Release Date: 2013-08-03
  • Genre: Travel in Europe


In Britain, they drive on the the left-hand side of the road. For visitors who drive on the right-hand side in their home country, this is a challenge.

I was shocked to learn that many visitors map out a grand tour of the island only to scurry into the first B&B they find a half hour’s drive from Heathrow Airport and remain there for the duration.

I’ve driven thousands of miles across Britain and Ireland and never met a roundabout I didn’t like. I love driving the narrow backroads because they take you to the most grand places and people.

So, I put together this booklet to flatten your learning curve on Driving in Britain.

Chapter 1 covers the general things and teaches you how to think like Ginger Rogers because she did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards (driving on the left not right) and in high heels !

Chapter 2 talks about the need (or not) and the tasks of a navigator – that is, being Fred Astaire. Plus, some recommended movies to watch before leaving home.

Chapter 3 teaches you how to Drive a Roundabout and how to use my Roundabout Clock to simplify its navigation. This is worth the price of the book.

Chapter 4 shows how to make turns which are a bit dicey when you are crossing oncoming traffic and entering the correct lane of the side road.
Chapter 5 warns about the Crosswalks (“zebras”) where the majority of tourist-related accidents occur.

Chapter 6 gives you examples of all the road signs you’ll ever need. Chapter 7 has photo examples. Chapter 8 has a map of the M25 connections as most visitors launch their trip from it; and, maps of the airports.

Chapter 9 provides information that’s Uniquely British: the language, spelling, coinage, pronunciation, building floor numbering and a few hundred British slang expressions and their translation. Lastly, a chapter with quotes from Shakespeare to read while waiting in one of the inevitable queues.

The Sample Book chops the majority of the text in favor of the chapter pages so you can see the entirety of the book and make you want to buy the full version.

Please email greetings from some place in Britain that’s not close to London!
