Sometimes you worry that your partner is only “putting up” with you.
They make you feel like they are tolerating you, not investing in you as you are with them, and this makes you feel alone, even in a relationship.
While these two common warning signs may make you feel like something is “wrong” with you, they actually indicate strongly that you may be in a relationship with a narcissist, and you should not ignore them.
You may also find your partner to be very controlling, down to what you wear or eat. You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them, not comfortable or at ease (this is a big one).
If this is the case, it’s possible that you may be suffering from Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. And now you have taken the first step towards recovery: seeking the truth.
Properly orienting yourself is critical for those suffering under a narcissist because, as you may have observed, the narcissist will often assert their reality onto you. This can cloud your judgment and make it very easy to readily accept behavior that is neither normal or healthy.
And worst of all, the abusive tactics of narcissists are almost always covert, making them difficult to spot, and giving the narcissist “plausible deniability” when confronted that can result in hair-pullingly frustrating arguments that seem to go nowhere.
Take a deep breath. If you feel guilty or at fault, it’s only the narcissist’s voice talking in your head. The sole purpose of this book is to unravel that web the narcissist has spun so you can have a clear vision of the condition, take the steps to heal from any trauma that has occurred, and prevent it from happening all over again.
Inside these pages you will find:
The six surprising warning signs of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome
An easy trick to always spot a narcissist quickly and effortlessly
Simple but indefensible weapons to disarm the covert narcissist
The surprising truth about why empaths and sensitive people are drawn to narcissists
The number one most powerful tool for healing from narcissistic abuse
Specific recovery methods for the narcissists in your family, including narcissistic mothers
Effective ways to protect yourself from future abuse and never tolerate it again!
And much more…
Don’t let a narcissist convince you that nothing is wrong! Or worse, that you are the problem. You may have attempted to approach the problem before, and feel like there is no hope for change, but arming yourself with the facts can completely revise your outlook and change your results. Take control over how you approach relationships in your life!