In a groundbreaking addition to the "What Do You Know?" collection, a new volume delves into the enduring impact of Karl Marx on modern society. Authored by Hichem Karoui in collaboration with the GEW Social Sciences & Humanities Team, this publication offers fresh insights into the revolutionary thinker's ideologies and their relevance today.
This new volume not only provides a comprehensive analysis of Marx's theories on capitalism, class struggle, and social change but also examines his influence on contemporary political thought. From his seminal works like The Communist Manifesto to his critique of capitalist society in Das Kapital, Marx's ideas continue to shape discussions around economic inequality and social justice.
Readers can expect a thought-provoking exploration of Marx's intellectual legacy, presented in an accessible and engaging format that appeals to both scholars and general readers alike. What Do You Know? Karl Marx is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of one of history's most influential thinkers.