"I turn slowly toward her, and that thin frail hope that I’d held onto… the hope that I could sate the demon raging within me and cool off my simmering rage by hacking up Gregor… that I could spare Mina my evil tonight… that hope is gone. What will I do when I catch this little rabbit?"
The events of Halloween haunt me. I can't get them out of my head.
I wanted to remove Mina from this world. But it wasn’t me… I don’t want her gone. I’m not some crazed jealous abusive boyfriend. I wasn’t mad at her. I know she did nothing wrong.
It was the wild in me. The dark in me. It was the other, the something else that isn’t me, the broken shards of what I became so long ago.
The animal. The monster. That inhuman thing.
There is no saving me.
NOTE: This series must be read in order, starting with THE EASTER HUNT. If you're new to this couple please start with book 2 in the Pleasure House series, BROKEN DOLLS (the books in the pleasure house world can all be read as standalones.)