Nature of the Sun - Sebastiaan van der Meulen

Nature of the Sun

By Sebastiaan van der Meulen

  • Release Date: 2023-09-02
  • Genre: Political Science


The knowledge of this book teaches you, using logic and no need of mathematics, exactly how the human brain really works and how heaven really works, and the book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, is explained. I will use this book to stand against all leaders of this world and show them they are not God's chosen ones. They are of Satan and its earthly lackeys. And the tribulation that will come soon will end their reign.

We will learn how humans are supposed to behave together as equals, loving, trusting, and respectful. And without money. Our leaders keep us from living honest lives as we have to bear the burden for the large sums of money they want for themselves while we get little pay while we should all have an equal share for an equal burden done. The love you give is supposed to be the love you get, and that is honest. But using money will always corrupt honest human behavior. Humans have a heart, which is our natural wallet. We follow who we love, like husband and wife follow each other, and so it is also with God and how all leaders should be. Not idols or dictators or kings that think they own the land. They are not God's leaders. Those that give the most while taking an equal share have been burdened more and are given leadership as they are worthy and experienced. There are no leaders as such in the world today, and that is why I will use the true knowledge of this book against all leaders of the world today.

With the book Nature of the Sun, anyone can stand up against the leaders of this satanic world. The argument in it is of pure logic, which no leader, no matter how high in rank, can fight against using logic and truth. The logic is a universal truth that applies to all of humanity and is encoded in all human DNA. And believe me, God will come, and there will be tribulation, and all the leaders of this world will end up in the supper of God. In an equal world, no one may harm you. We will be free once and for all. Only having to carry our equal share of burden for our equal share of love, which is honest, and so is God.
