Hold on tight! The next installment of the dark fantasy Atlantis series by David Edward has arrived!!
In the unforgiving realm of "Skulls of Atlantis," Asha, a steadfast Atlantean from the capital city, finds herself battling the elements in the wasteland of the ruthless Babaroy conquerors. Her journey becomes a symphony of pain and determination, fueled by memories of a friend lost to the savagery of this land and the long road ahead.
Amidst unrelenting challenges, Asha's resilience takes center stage as she is forced into the deadly Clash, a sport that the brutal Babaroy uses to control and distract the conquered.
"Skulls of Atlantis" is a gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, where Asha's unwavering determination conflicts with the bleakest odds. With every turn of the page, prepare to be swept into a world of intense action and unrelenting courage, where thunderous war drums signify the epic battle of wills.