Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Northern-Breed Dogs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of more than 50 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for fans of Akitas, Huskies, Malamutes, and Samoyeds! The book is perfect for those looking to bring a dog into their lives, too, as it is a great way to learn about life with these breeds. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO RESCUE GROUPS.
Excerpt: "With three Akitas, a dogsled, and a custom canvas tent, my addiction to mushing was complete. Traveling with the dogs in winter was great: no bears, no bugs, no snakes, no people, and the entire world was our refrigerator! The hundreds of miles I journeyed in those years with my three furry companions made me see them differently. Their determination, trust, and unbelievable strength and spirit became clear, and I started to deeply understand their needs. Together we learned how to work with each other, and in the process, we became a close-knit team. Koji lived until age 14 and pulled like a maniac until he was 12. That 100-pound hunk of muscle, fur, and heart taught me more about myself than I ever imagined a dog could." - Chuck Weiss (Read more about Chuck's adventures and about other amazing northern-breed dogs inside!)