Envy Wilson, Layla Hobbs, and Kacie Mayweather, three women in their thirties, each grappling with their own set of problems, situations, and secrets, share a friendship forged by their mutual reliance on one another. Their thirst for life is unquenchable, with countless experiences to relish and an ever-growing list of mistakes waiting to be made.
Layla battles obesity, yet her enchanting voice possesses the power to calm the most unruly souls. Still, who will ease her yearning for love? Envy serves as her unwavering support, a pillar of strength who never belittles her for her weight. Kacie, burdened with cerebral palsy, raises six children with five different fathers, all while longing for a loving husband. Envy guards her own secrets, reluctant to confide even in Layla and Kacie.
As life takes unexpected turns for each of these women, will their friendships withstand? Can favorable circumstances provoke adverse reactions? The challenges they face in life will hopefully teach them how to lean on God.