Common Threadz - You

Common Threadz

By You

  • Release Date: 2021-10-09
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature


In this time of advancement and technology, debate and opposition,

we seem to find ourselves in an uncomfortable and unexpected time

in our story. It seems we've become masters at dividing ourselves

into groups by our many differences, yet long for a sense of

community. We are so interconnected in a virtual sense, yet find ourselves

feeling lonelier than ever. We have endless options for entertainment, yet

feel bored out of our minds.

Our technology has quickly surpassed our humanity and spirituality,

and we have an unspoken emptiness that is woven into our choices and

conversations. The silent discomfort we all feel has slowly poisoned our

relationships and opinions of our reality. We all long for a deeper meaning

and purpose to our lives, but are seemingly embarrassed to admit it because

mainstream media has made it irrelevant.

It's difficult to even explain how we feel or what the problem may be,

but we all feel it in every moment of our days. It has become the silent,

subtle, aching of our existence. Often in life we find that there is a simple

and direct solution to the complex issues that we struggle with. This seems

to be a constant through our story as a civilization.

This book is precisely that. A simple in-depth explanation and solution

to that feeling and sense of needing more from life. It is a culmination of

the story of mankind, and is intended to spark the change we are desperate

for. It is brief and direct, and puts a spotlight on that which has been

ignored. The future of mankind depends on our ability to embrace the

science of our spiritual existence, and the common ground that we find

ourselves battling upon. Growth and change is difficult, but necessary as


Take part in your chapter in the story of team human...
