Couples in Crisis: Overcoming Affairs & Inappropriate Opposite-Sex Friendships: A Fast & Innovative Approach to Rebuild Trust & Revive Your Marriage (Not Talk It To Death)
In the spirit of her straightforward style and trademark "Fair, but Aware" method, marital mediator Debra Macleod, B.A., J.D. has written a plainspoken, to-the-point guide to help couples tackle infidelity and inappropriate opposite-sex friendships within marriage. She outlines an innovative way for spouses to work as allies to rebuild trust and save their marriage: the betrayed spouse reads Part 1, while the unfaithful spouse reads Part 2. Each part contains succinct insight and usable guidance tailored to the position that each spouse finds herself or himself in.
But take note: this candid book does not sugarcoat the realities of infidelity. Although it can be used by one spouse until the other is ready to participate, it is best suited for spouses who are both committed to doing their part to save the marriage, which includes being honest and able to hear the "hard truth" at times. It is not recommended that a betrayed spouse pressure or expect their counterpart will participate.