The Guru Grant Sahib - Jagdish Arora

The Guru Grant Sahib

By Jagdish Arora

  • Release Date: 2022-07-08
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality


This is a English Version for English readers. So how can, we be sure? How can the wall of deception separating us from God be broken? So, what should we give him so that we can visualize His presence? What words can we say to awaken his love? I will bathe in baths only if God pleases; Besides pleasing God, what good is such a traditional bath? How can a bull withstand the enormous weight of the earth? There are countless worlds beyond this planet-earth. What is the force holding them and supporting their weight? If anyone knows how to write this account, imagine how big that account would be even if this account was written? What is the measure of God's might and the breadth of his beautiful creation? And who can guess the extent of his blessings? Who am I to express my thoughts about the extent of God's creation? Who am I to assess the extent of God's creation? How can I understand and describe your creation? 'Lord! what was then and what was that moment? What was that day? What was that date? What was that season and what was that month when the Universe was created? How can I describe his burden, how can I praise him? How can I understand and describe his virtues? Do not even those who praise God understand how great he is? Is it impossible to know what God's purpose is? Many more that I can't think of sing your song; How can Nanak think of those who sing your praises? How can Nanak think of those who sing your praises? My God, how can a weak person explain your virtues? O’ my mother, why should man abandon that God? who is the true Master and his glory is infinite. O’ my mind, God gives sustenance to everyone, why are you afraid of him? Flamingos fly hundreds of kilometers, leaving their young behind. Tell me, who is feeding them and teaching them to feed themselves? Which of your virtues shall I speak and describe? Sohaila: Song of God's Praise The great Benevolent, who takes care of his creation day by day, will also meet your needs. O’ mortal, when you can't even appreciate the value of his Gifts; Then how can you evaluate the value of that Benevolent? O’ God, who destroys the fear of birth and death, what a beautiful worship you do? Explaining your value; How can I tell how great your glory is? My God, even after having such powers, I cannot express your worth; How can I tell how great your glory is? O’ God, even then thy could not be valued; How can I tell how great your glory is? The breaths we take life span are predetermined; Why is it necessary to ask this from a scholar? Those who belong to the lowest level of the lower social status and those who are at the lowest level of them, Nanak prefers to stay with them, why would he want to follow the upper class if they forgot you? If so, much addiction pervades the human body, then is there a room for the name of God to indwell in the heart of man? Those who please God are virtuous, what else can be said? What praise can be offered to them? Who else could be more beautiful than them? Why should we forget the God to whom our soul belongs? God is like a beautiful temple adorned with rubies and jewels, filled with precious jewels of all kinds. Filled with shimmering pearls and diamonds and surrounded by beautiful castles made of gold, how is this castle to be climbed without stairs? O' Nanak, how can one's virtues be diminished if one understands the perfect God? When he reflects on the divine word of your virtues, then he realizes that if you are our protector, who else can harm us? O’ my friends, go and ask the lucky ones, what virtues did you enjoy in union with the Lord-God? How can a person get rid of worldly fears unless he has the fear of God Almighty? How can one get rid of this worry and anxiety without Guru's teachings? Without God's grace, how can we comprehend him within ourselves? How can one be honored in the Guru's presence until one is not full of Guru's word?
