"The best technology or product rarely wins in the B2B technology world."
If you're like many Founder-led B2B technology start-ups, your leadership comes from a technological or engineering/product background, and because of this, they have limited experience or knowledge in sales and/or sophisticated Go-to-Market strategies. They depend on a "product-led" strategy where connecting with the customer consists of describing, educating or over-informing prospective customer's on what the product's features and functionality consists of. Making them reliant on innovator or early adopter type customers that can make the linkage between your technology or product and how it can help them, to drive your customer & revenue growth.
Hustle to Scale shares the unique approach a 6-time tech start-up CRO developed on how to create a GTM strategy and Sales execution plan which takes a company from early Product Market Fit to predictably converting market demand into scalable customer & revenue growth which resulted in several successful liquidity events. Focusing on B2B technology start-ups wanting to avoid the inconsistent or stalling sales and customer growth that often happens when trying to emerge from product market fit in "product-led" organizations, the author shares how to be "customer experience – led" by creating a GTM strategy and Sales plan which aligns your Sales, Marketing & Support teams around how your customer defines success. More specifically - in terms of business value and desired outcomes, or what is referred to as – Solving for the Customer!
No longer will you need to talk the buyer/target customer into having the problem, only to THEN have to convince them they need what you have. You will be converting market demand for problems they have expressly identified as a high priority and must solve.