A New Economic Growth Engine for China - Wing Thye Woo, Ming Lu, Jeffrey D. Sachs & Zhao Chen

A New Economic Growth Engine for China

By Wing Thye Woo, Ming Lu, Jeffrey D. Sachs & Zhao Chen

  • Release Date: 2012-08-22
  • Genre: Political Science


This volume is a report by leading international economic experts on China's economic priorities in the coming years. From various aspects of the domestic and foreign situation, China has now reached a critical juncture in its economic development. Unless China is able to overcome the difficulties in undertaking further reforms in the next ten years, China would be caught in the middle-income trap and be unable to become a modern country. The future course of China's economic development is also of great concern to the rest of the world because the socio-political-economic conditions in China will have significant impact on global economic prosperity and on global political harmony.

The book is a product of close collaboration between the School of Economics at Fudan University and the Earth Institute at Columbia University. They cover a new paradigm for growth, short-term demand management, institutional reforms for middle-term growth, and strengthening the fundamentals for long-term growth.
Contents:A New Economic Growth Engine for the 21st Century: Change Out Not Scale Up the Present Policy Regime:The Major Types of Middle-income Trap That Threaten China (Wing Thye Woo)Short-term Demand Management: Working the Hardware Correctly:A Prediction of China's Economy in 2012: Soft Landing and Back to the Normal (Gang Fan and Liping He)The Correction of China's Twin Surpluses (Yongding Yu)The Long-run Growth and Short-run Fluctuations of the Chinese Economy (Zhigang Yuan and Yuxin Yu)Institutional Reforms for Middle-term Growth: Upgrading the Hardware and Software:Reforming China's Public Pension System: Coping Effectively with Aging, Urbanization and Globalization (Jin Feng and Lixin He)Unraveling the Gridlock on Fiscal Reform in China: Government, Market and Central-local Relations (Yan Zhang)China's Financial Sector Development: Understanding the Past and Shaping the Future (Liqing Zhang and Xiaofen Tan)On Regional and Inter-household Inequality in China (Guanghua Wan, Jingjing Ye and Juzhong Zhuang)Strengthening the Long-term Growth Fundamentals: Sustaining the Power Supply:Ensuring Efficiency and Equality in China's Urbanization and Regional Development Strategy (Zhao Chen and Ming Lu)China 2049: Energy Security and Climate Change (Klaus S Lackner and Sarah Brennan)The Sustainability of Water Resources in China (Ximing Cai and Upmanu Lall)
Readership: Researchers, students and readers interested in China's economy.
