Everyone has a story. This is Sams. According to Doc, the best vet in Sedona, and perhaps the civilized world, Sam began his life as an unexpected arrival at one of the recently-targeted puppy mills just outside of town. His mom, a blond Golden, took an unscheduled walk in the neighborhood and came back with child. Wiley Coyote was the father. Six of the seven puppies had Moms beautiful characteristics and appearance, which meant $400.00 or more per head in revenue for the puppy mill. Sam, however, had short alert ears, a smaller build and pretty much mirrored Dads features, so instead of a good home with some rich Sedona family, he was headed for the local humane society. Sam spent the next eighteen months in and out of various homes; each one of them tied him to a tree in the front or back yard and left him there all day, alone and without any level of attention, love or affection. Being the resourceful pup he was, he quickly escaped each one of these forms of confinement, winding up back at the pound for the fourth time in January of the year 2009. The last time he came back to the kennels, he still had a piece of the rope, which he had chewed through, around his neck. Thats where I come in Linda and I had a terrible 2008, with huge financial damage, a bad year which culminated in the loss of our precious Golden Retriever Sarah to Valley Fever near the end of December. Linda felt it might be a good idea to peruse the local humane society to find a new friend, though I was pretty much out of it and not too enthusiastic. I was at a personal low when I first met Sam. He looked sadly over the small gate at the humane society kennel, and stood on his back feet, leaning against the gate as we reviewed the various options available. He never barked or whined, and was conspicuously silent above the loud barking and high noise level. He was in for his 4th visit to the kennel since his birth, and obviously didnt care for the noise and high level of activity going on around him. I think we both were ready for a change to the good. It goes without saying that we kind of took to each other, and he came home with us. God works strangely and magnificently in our lives. Ive seen His work many times, and though I have significant technical and physical science education, I still can see His hand prints in everything around me. There is a tremendous spiritual balance in everything we touch and see on a daily basis that normally goes unrecognized. Chance meetings which change our lives forever for the better are some of the best things He gives us. My Higher Power was definitely there early in 2009, when I needed Him most, and through Him, I met Sam. This wonderful gift from God, at 18 months old, took me out of my severe depression and gave me a new and positive outlook on life. I owe him my life many times over, and thats why Im writing his story, even though many chapters are yet to be experienced or written. Please enjoy this small look into how the kindness and love from a small, wonderful creature of God saved me and my family.