Constitutional History of the Western World - Bill Etem

Constitutional History of the Western World

By Bill Etem

  • Release Date: 2012-05-28
  • Genre: World History


John 6. 53-55 says in so many words that you must partake of Holy Communion in order to attain Heaven and escape perdition.

1 Cor 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner. If a church is giving the bread and the wine to people who openly support Anti-Christian things, then it stands to reason that church is a false church: it leads people to perdition. If a church is giving the bread and the wine to Sabbath violators, or to pro-choicers, or to pro-gay marriage people, then...

Charles Dickens wrote in his `A Child's History of England':

`Three hundred people burnt alive...including sixty women and forty little children...Bloody Queen Mary [Roman Catholic], she will ever be justly remembered with horror and detestation in Great Britain...The stake and the fire were the fruits of this reign...To give any sufficient idea of the miseries of Scotland in this merry reign [Anglican Charles II's], would occupy a hundred pages. Because the people would not have bishops, and were resolved to stand by their solemn League and Covenant, such cruelties were inflicted upon them as make the blood run cold. Ferocious dragoons galloped through the country to punish peasants for deserting the churches; sons were hanged up at their fathers' doors for refusing to disclose where their fathers were concealed; wives were tortured to death for not betraying their husbands...'

If you partake of Holy Communion with people who make no secret they support evil laws then it stands to reason you're violating 1 Cor 11. 27-29, so you're drinking damnation into your soul.

2 Thess 2 deals with the Antichrist and strong delusion.

One is delusional if one promotes more than one church.

Why so?

A preacher goes to a park and tells people the Church of England is God's True Church which leads people to Heaven. He says all other churches are false churches, says all other churches are lost in heresy and so they drag people down to eternal perdition. He meets Roman Catholics and Lutherans, Presbyterians and Baptists, Mormons and Eastern Orthodox believers etc , etc. They are offended by his preaching. They hate his message that only the Church of England leads people to Heaven. They hate hearing that every other Christian denomination is a false church which drags people down to eternal perdition.

So the Anglican preacher capitulates under the pressure. He changes his tune and declares that the Church of England, and the Roman Catholic Church, and the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Presbyterians, and the Methodists, the Mormons, the SBC, the ELCA, the LCMS etc., etc., are all churches which lead people to Heaven.

This is insanity because....

The Church of England either leads people to Heaven or else the Church of England doesn't lead people to Heaven. The Church of England is either God's True Church or else it isn't.

If the Church of England is lost in heresy and leads people to perdition, then when you tell people the Church of England will lead them to Heaven - when it will lead them to perdition! - you are leading those people away from Heaven and to perdition, and that is evil.  So you are on the road to perdition.

On the other hand, if the Church of England leads people to Heaven, if it is God's True Church, then you should promote only the Church of England. It would be taking a hellish risk to promote churches other than the Church of England. If you tell people that a specific church will lead them to Heaven, when in fact that church is a false church which will drag them down to eternal perdition, then you are leading those people away from Heaven, you are pushing those people into perdition, and so you will go to perdition, assuming you never repent.
