Defining Moments - Bob Root & Wendy Steele

Defining Moments

By Bob Root & Wendy Steele

  • Release Date: 2012-11-13
  • Genre: Romance


Life is way too short to live someone else's dreams, expectations or model. Like our first step off of the cliff onto a zip line in Pecos New Mexico was a defining moment and the beginning of our lives together. A moment that most certainly we wish had occurred 20 years earlier. It did not, but that moment taught us to embrace the adventures in life. Correction, to seek out with a passion the next defining moments in our lives.

This is a story of two people that had just about every thing. Fortune 500 executive positions, jet setter lifestyles, expensive cars, boats and much of what upwardly mobile career minded people aspire to and never achieve. Their problem? Unhappy without love. A chance meeting outside Santa Fe, New Mexico was a defining moment which they both acted on. Fighting against all odds, this high tech CEO from Silicon Valley pursued a romance with a Coca-Cola VP 3000 miles away. Defining moments unfolded as they decided to pursue a simpler lifestyle together.
