Christian Zombie takes us on a sensuous journey of death, destruction, and debauchery, starting in the Peruvian Amazon jungle and ending on a sidewalk outside God’s Plan Ministries Temple in west Omaha, with amazing stops along the way—Belize during spring break, cemeteries in Oklahoma City and Denver, Hair of the Dog Saloon—but finally, when exhausted by the nightly Ghost Train rides and Zombie Jamborees that ensue, to the God’s Plan Ministries Temple in Omaha, Nebraska. Our hero is analytical throughout this amazing allegorical journal, telling us not only what happens to him, and others, but also why these events occur, starting with a Secular Humanist Virus infection, acquired during his bat stage from a scientist working in the tropics, and ending with his decisions to abandon both the wolf pack and, eventually, the telemarketing firm where he spent his days in cubicle hell prior to accepting Jesus as his personal savior and joining GPMT as a zombie witness for Christ.