The Green Stone Tower - Brian Rush

The Green Stone Tower

By Brian Rush

  • Release Date: 2012-06-19
  • Genre: Fantasy


Long ago in the legendary time, at the very dawn of civilized days, the Old Gods sang the Green Stone Towers into being as bridges between two worlds. By means of the Towers the workers of magic, descended of the gods, escaped the wrath of the rest of mankind. Into the land of Faerie the mages fled, the gods followed, and the doors of the Towers were sealed behind them. In the ages after, the makers of magic changed into the immortal faerie-folk. Now once in a while a faerie will brave the Green Stone Towers and visit the world they left behind, often for love’s sake, if a mortal takes their fancy.Johnny Silverbell is the secret son of a mortal woman and a man of the faerie-folk, blessed with gifts of music and magic, love-gifts of a red-haired faerie-girl whose name he never learned. He yearns to open the Tower’s door and climb the stair to Faerie where he hopes to find his love. But this can only be when he has lost everything dear to him in the mortal world and he flees from certain death.Meanwhile, unknown to Johnny, his faerie-girl lives under a doom of prophecy: to be the unwilling bride of the dark god Malatant, Lord of Shadow, and bring him victory in his ages-long struggle with the gods of light.
