INTRODUCTION Often when autistic individuals become overwhelmed, they may throw tantrums or have meltdowns. While states are starting to provide training workshops for public officials in order to teach them how to deal with these situations, teachers who come into daily contact with autistic students are often uninformed on how to act. Over the years, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (1) has promoted the integration of disabled students, including autistic students, into the general education classrooms. Now more than ever, teachers without special education training are finding autistic students in their classrooms. In order to effectively calm the students and allow them to remain in the general education classroom, teachers need at least a general understanding of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Since the IDEA leaves much of its regulation up to the states, this note suggests that the IDEA should create a mandate for states to develop training for all teachers, not just special education teachers, to inform them of the most effective ways to interact with autistic children. This note will discuss of (1) the autism spectrum disorder and its growing prevalence, (2) the purpose and background of the IDEA, (3) the IDEA's failure to provide guidance on handling an autistic meltdown, and (4) some suggestions for the IDEA to fill these gaps and provide a safe and enriching learning environment for autistic children.