Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf

By Adolf Hitler

  • Release Date: 2011-11-30
  • Genre: Politics & Current Events
Score: 4
From 234 Ratings


The angry ranting of an obscure, small-party politician, the first volume of Mein Kampf was virtually ignored when it was originally published in 1925. Likewise the second volume, which appeared in 1926. The book details Hitler's childhood, the "betrayal" of Germany in World War I, the desire for revenge against France, the need for lebensraum for the German people, and the means by which the National Socialist party can gain power. It also includes Hitler's racist agenda and his glorification of the "Aryan" race. The few outside the Nazi party who read it dismissed it as nonsense, not believing that anyone could--or would--carry out its radical, terrorist programs. As Hitler and the Nazis gained power, first party members and then the general public were pressured to buy the book. By the time Hitler became chancellor of the Third Reich in 1933, the book stood atop the German bestseller lists. Had the book been taken seriously when it was first published, perhaps the 20th century would have been very different. Beyond the anger, hatred, bigotry, and self-aggrandizing, Mein Kampf is saddled with tortured prose, meandering narrative, and tangled metaphors (one person was described as "a thorn in the eyes of venal officials"). That said, it is an incredibly important book. It is foolish to think that the Holocaust could not happen again, especially if World War II and its horrors are forgotten. As an reader has pointed out, "If you want to learn about why the Holocaust happened, you can't avoid reading the words of the man who was most responsible for it happening." Mein Kampf, therefore, must be read as a reminder that evil can all too easily grow.


  • Very interesting

    By RunicCrayon
    Great book of a great man! JK! Lol! Great book to read if you are fascinated by WWI and WWII. Very interesting book.
  • Mildly farcical.

    By the real your MoM
    I can’t help but wonder who the royalties and profits go to. Are the profits in the name of Hitlers dilapidated cadaver? Hmmmmmmm…. Perhaps his living relatives. The biggest mystery of all is that the book is not free. I wonder if apple forgot that there are PDFs on google of this very book. Perhaps that’s where they got it hmm yes let’s put a price tag on a book that is already readily and freely available as a pdf.
  • Can't wait for my social credit score to hit zero because this is in my library

    By 27jim
    Heard the book is trash
  • Amazing

    By Penguino230
    “Those who do not see past their own noses deserve our pity more than anyone else”
  • Extraordinary Read

    By Invincible_ME
    “Do not compare yourself to others. If you do, you are only insulting yourself”. I don’t care what side of the isle you’re on-it is impossible to read this book and not find yourself agreeing with bits and pieces. But you will never admit it. 🙃
  • Pretty good

    By wayne0628
    I give this five stars not because I agree with Hitlers thinking because it’s great part of history that tells the tale of a very very bad man and it’s cool that we have access to it today!
  • Um

    By Holly Logan
  • Mad Man

    By Mr Igula
    Ravings of a sick lunatic mind.
  • Intellectual dishonesty

    By gallandro1
    So please explain to me Apple, why I can't buy certain apps like Ultimate General: Gettysburg, or educational apps from the Store that display the Confederate battle flag (in proper context) on their cover/icon, but I can buy a book from this homicidal mass murderer whose work could theoretically influence some young mind? Didn't think that decision through did ya?
  • Fascinating - Any History Fan Will Enjoy This Book

    By Flashkube
    If you are interested in the history of WW1 and WW2 you really have to read this book along with everything else. It is almost like being there. I would say it is like a diary of Hitler’s mind. The surprising thing is how good many parts of this book are. It is pretty easy to see how he swayed people after reading this book. Be ready to use your highlighter because there are many fascinating things to quote. It really helped me to understand what was going on at that time and what people were thinking.
