The Myth of the Garage - Dan Heath & Chip Heath

The Myth of the Garage

By Dan Heath & Chip Heath

  • Release Date: 2011-11-08
  • Genre: Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Score: 4
From 249 Ratings


From Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick, comes The Myth of the Garage: And Other Minor Surprises, a collection of the authors’ best columns for Fast Company magazine—16 pieces in all, plus a previously unpublished piece entitled “The Future Fails Again.”
In Myth, the Heath brothers tackle some of the most (and least) important issues in the modern business world:

• Why you should never buy another mutual fund (“The Horror of Mutual Funds”)
• Why your gut may be more ethical than your brain (“In Defense of Feelings”)
• How to communicate with numbers in a way that changes decisions (“The Gripping Statistic”)
• Why the “Next Big Thing” often isn’t (“The Future Fails Again”)
• Why you may someday pay $300 for a pair of socks (“The Inevitability of $300 Socks”)
• And 12 others . . .

Punchy, entertaining, and full of unexpected insights, the collection is the perfect companion for a short flight (or a long meeting).


  • Suhsdneuh

    By Cdmdocomd
    Xshunashhushbuquhbsywysubqwhuinjvjinreinifinierfjinrenijfjndsifijnedunifniudfuineinfuhieuinfiuevindinvdenvniisdionvernoivoidfovinfdniovniodfoinvdiinvnifdnvddnoivionfniiedinivijndfiunvuinfenuidfnvjnidfniffvindvfnjifdvjnifdvijnvfdinivdfniidvfiunvnivnveifvnijfvdnijfdvdfvjinfdnirefunisrfniuvernjffdunivdfinidfviinfdinjdffieginsjosfopksfrjinfdkvjiodfivjodsiojfijodsdfjiovdsijovdsoijknkjnvdsfnkjvfnkjjknvdsnjkvkjnsdvjnodskvondsklnvkknsdnkkcnvksdksdmvnvsfnkonkfdlkmsdvmoksnkdfnklvflkndfkmvlfdvlkmfvdkmlfvdkmlvfdkdflmvvcldkdpwffkoweiofdsoijmodslkcjsdlkckljsdckjdskckomddsckmodslkcdlmksckomdscjoidsijoccsddiovoidmsisauihasugywuygasvwuadbjhdsvjknvdsjnkvkejnfbjkohiojtyoijvdkjnnjisdkcjnsdnisajincnjiddsicnucciudwhdcskqqqqwsasaeaagsgshsjsjskxskomiisjiixiisnuidinjdenifiojrefnireomfkmorekomfkremosdfkmodsfmkofdsiomdsfoidfomidsfimoeviomrveiomervomiefvnoijioiojjioiomokmoihihoijokoccccccccjcjcjcmcmmcmcmcmcmcmcmckc,,cc,mcmckdddlpdfld Ddllelr Dckccjcjjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjccjcjcjciixididkxkxsosisisissisiisisisiiiisff
  • Ideal for people with short attention spans!

    This is a great intro to the Heath Brothers if you' re not familiar with them, and some really thought-provoking articles they are at that! Love their stuff!
  • Loved it.

    By HB Stucki
    Insightful and entertaining. Made you think while making you chuckle. Highly recommended.
  • Excellent applicability

    By macdaddygraziano
    If you're a thinking businessperson, there are 17 articles- at least 10 or more will have you up at night thinking how this applies to your business. Highly recommend. Making this free was a stroke of marketing genius because now I want to read everything the Heath brothers are writing about!! Great job guys. You increased my happiness... by reading this, and commenting positively on it.
  • Nice compilation

    By slid3r
    A collection of shorts that is a nice companion piece to Switch and Made to Stick. These quick-hitters get right to the point, then move on. A real, umm, "screen-swiper"?!
  • Light and thoughtful

    By Double-d-123
    Not intending to be anything else, this collection of articles provides a quick ride through a wide variety of topics. Witty, light, with some insight that may prompt further investigation.
