Death at SeaWorld - David Kirby

Death at SeaWorld

By David Kirby

  • Release Date: 2012-07-17
  • Genre: Nature
Score: 3.5
From 151 Ratings


From the New York Times bestselling author of Evidence of Harm and Animal Factory—a groundbreaking scientific thriller that exposes the dark side of SeaWorld, America's most beloved marine mammal park

Death at SeaWorld centers on the battle with the multimillion-dollar marine park industry over the controversial and even lethal ramifications of keeping killer whales in captivity. Following the story of marine biologist and animal advocate at the Humane Society of the US, Naomi Rose, Kirby tells the gripping story of the two-decade fight against PR-savvy SeaWorld, which came to a head with the tragic death of trainer Dawn Brancheau in 2010. Kirby puts that horrific animal-on-human attack in context. Brancheau's death was the most publicized among several brutal attacks that have occurred at Sea World and other marine mammal theme parks.

Death at SeaWorld introduces real people taking part in this debate, from former trainers turned animal rights activists to the men and women that champion SeaWorld and the captivity of whales. In section two the orcas act out. And as the story progresses and orca attacks on trainers become increasingly violent, the warnings of Naomi Rose and other scientists fall on deaf ears, only to be realized with the death of Dawn Brancheau. Finally he covers the media backlash, the eyewitnesses who come forward to challenge SeaWorld's glossy image, and the groundbreaking OSHA case that challenges the very idea of keeping killer whales in captivity and may spell the end of having trainers in the water with the ocean's top predators.


  • 1 sided documentary and book

    By Kira896896
    For the people who completely believe this whole book. Blackfish and this book are inaccurate. The very opening scene in the film is false and makes you think it is Tilly and Dawn in the water due to 911 calls related to her death. Dawn was never in the water before the attack. Tilikum pulled her into the water by her foot,hair, or hip (that remains unclear). Another reason is that the "former trainers" in the film either haven't worked at Seaworld in nearly 20 years or barely worked there at all let alone with the whales! Samantha Berg, for example, worked at Seaworld for a total of 3 years. She spent 1 year with the whales but was never in the water. I could go on and on about all the reasons why Blackfish is inaccurate/misleading, but if you want to know I suggest doing research and seeing both sides of the whole Seaworld killer whale situation.
  • Great!!

    By Howrseluver22
    This books is very factual and interesting. Many people who are saying this isn't accurate got their information from seaworld which isn't a trustworthy source. I have done my research and that research lines up with this book.
  • Negative reviews, seaworld paid supporters?

    By Arcticbabe2006
    Given the few bad reviews and the way they are written, it wouldn't surprise me if they're paid by seaworld or lifetime members of the parkand are completely oblivious to the difference between animal conservation and corporate money makers. Sea World is a corporate money maker which is why they hired a lobbyist against the new proposed bill. They don't want to lose money. This books is well written, exposes truth that some people just don't want to admit to. I'll NEVER understand when and where in history humans thought it would be okay to take animals out of their natural habitat and use them for entertainment and profit. Disgusting. If you wouldn't do it to a child, don't do it to an animal.
  • Fantastic book

    By Michelle Gray
    An amazing and fascinating read. I went into this book closed-minded and in love with SeaWorld and going there as much as possible. I live 10 minutes from SeaWorld San Diego and have an annual pass. This book changed my opinion and view of SeaWorld 180 degrees. I had no idea what was going on behind the scenes at SeaWorld, and how different orcas are in captivity than in the wild. I will not be renewing my SeaWorld pass this year. I am literally a changed person because of this book.
  • Wonderful Book!

    By DeziEzi
    I haven't actually read this book yet. I just wanted to give it a good review because of all the bad reviews with complete garbage as their reasons for why this book is bad. Also, I have to say that the idea that whales should not be released back into the wild because they will just fall over dead not knowing how to fend for themselves is ridiculous. What about all the other animals that have been raised in captivity and then released into the wild? It happens all the time. Orcas are at least as intelligent as lions and wolves that I know have had cases of being raised from pups and then released. I have to say it's especially ridiculous to think that an animal taken from the wild will not be able to readapt. What about human prisoners? We let those people back out expecting them to be fine after captivity. Looking forward to actually reading the book.
  • I love it

    By Gymnast-Gymnastics
    Very good book. You will love it if you are trying to get to the bottom of what really happens in captivity and more about the death of DAWN.:(
  • Not very accurate but thought provoking

    By Smsms23
    Information and interviews were just released about the death of dawn the trainer and there was only one orca, tillikum, there not two others...the book is okay but the writer should have gotten the facts straight first if they had wanted to prove a point. no one is going to listen to a liar. I am anti captivity and have never and will never visit seaworld but seriously when you want to win an argument you always have to have proof and facts. Otherwise don't even bring up the makes all the people against captivity look stupid
  • Insightful, Respectful & Well-Written

    By Levanger
    Seems to me the writer is being unfairly portrayed as someone with an reviewers that have nothing but. You can't argue with the facts, and Mr. Kirby has presented them in an illuminating and educational way. I went into the book with an open mind, as a middle-of-the-road mom who has visited both Sea World and Marineworld/Africa USA; I came away riveted and feel that I learned a lot.
  • Nalani is a female not a male

    By Leesiri
    I am surprised that a book was written by someone that does not even know or care about these Whales. Know the Whales before you write about them and add some pictures, so the ones that know and love these Whales would at least get the pictures to get us to buy the book. Would have sold more books if they knew the Whales. There is a lot of positives about these Whales. And the Whale Kasatka that was holding the trainer by the foot should have let her back and see about her crying Baby. This is why she was upset If she wanted to she would have taken his foot off besides other parts. Know the Whales. Then you would understand cause this book is a lie. Love the Whales and Dolphins
  • Fascinating at the very least

    By lb424
    At the very least, it's a very interesting read. Whether it's totally factual or not, it's hard to put down. Definitely gives you something to think about. Keeping animals captive for our own enjoyment is something everybody should be questioning.
