Judges Guild's Bob & Bill: A Cautionary Tale - Bill Owen

Judges Guild's Bob & Bill: A Cautionary Tale

By Bill Owen

  • Release Date: 2011-04-05
  • Genre: Games


Published by Game Design, in the same Decatur IL building Judges Guild started at in 1976! Detailing Judges Guild & his time with Bob Bledsaw, a History by Judges Guild co-founder, Bill Owen. Main items -- Background of Bill Owen as an early wargamer in the 1960's and early 1970's -- Meeting Bob Bledsaw, our D&D campaign days -- The false start with the forgotten roleplaying game system that was "out of this world" -- Personal pictures and scans of one-of-a-kind play aids -- Our wild ride on the Judges Guild tiger particularly my part from 1976-1978 -- Difficulties, goofs and cautions for other gamer/entrepreneurs -- My time with Bob after JG & our favorite games -- Bringing it up to date. Details: 36 pages, 16,842 words, 34 black & white photos or scans, 86 full color or duotone photos or scans from 1965-2008 many never seen before publicly, some from Bob Bledaw Jr. and the JG archive.
