The Tears of the Sun - S.M. Stirling

The Tears of the Sun

By S.M. Stirling

  • Release Date: 2011-09-06
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Score: 4
From 138 Ratings


Rudi Mackenzie has traveled from the land where the sun sets to the land where it rises and back. He has found his weapon—the Sword crafted for him before he was born. He has made friends from among his enemies and found enemies where he expected friends. He has won the heart and hand of the woman he has loved his entire life.
Now Rudi is Artos, the High King of Montival, and his final destiny awaits him. He must face and defeat the forces of the Church Universal and Triumphant. Everything in the present, everything in the future, depends on the outcome of the conflict.
And like his father before him, Rudi knows that in winning the war he might well lose his life...


  • I love this BOOK!

    By Buff Huff
    Anytime I can't sleep at night all I need to do is read a couple pages and I'm out like a light. I have read all of the series up to this but this will most likely be my last one. Such a slow pace. I'm tired of the same explanations for the same things I've read hundreds of times in the other books. You have to expect nobody is just starting the series with this one so quite explaining every thing to us the same way over and over. I'm tired of reading page after page describing some ones dress or full chapters devoted to a dinner menu. Seriously is the author just out of ideas at this point. It's time for me to move onto a another series by a different writer. Sadly I will never find out just how hot plate mail armor is or if Matti likes her new dress.
  • Amazing

    By Crashtheparty
    After reading the last book, i thought it was the end of the series, and i was a little unsatisfied with the fact that the war was still going on. Thinking i might get lucky, i checked a few days ago for a possible new book. And here it is. And after only reading the sample, i am captivated by this book, and usually i have to read more than half in order for that to happen. Plus, hearing that there will be two more books is a relief, because it means hes not fed up with the characters and plot and is willing to give the readers a good book. I am really excited to read this book and the other two in the future.
  • It's all good

    By Christian 1234567
    Well, yes, he is clearly stretching the story. But, bob Baggins, if you just want to know the end, wait two years and buy the last sequel, I actually enjoy the somewhat drawn out suspense. I know for sure that i will regret to read the end of it, because the overall story is just unique and clever!!
  • Come on now....

    By Bob Baggins
    It started as a few good books with one of the most interesting literary ideas in years. Now it might as well be a never ending soap opera in script. Yes, there are many things to be tied up in this Change series, but SM Stirlings new approach of stringing along the story at a snails pace to push out more books is beginning to wear on me. It was if this book was complied of paragraphs from previous books. For the 100th time, we don't need an explanation of how a playful elbow from a comrade to a steel chestplate isnt going to be felt. If we're reading this far into the series, id hope that we don't need a page long explanation of how it's hard to be quiet in plate armor...or how horses will get winded.its been said it numerous times in the previous books. This book is all fluff filler, and a story that could have fit in the first few chapters of a novel. What a shame to wait a year for this book only to get a story about NOTHING. Hopefully he'll end this series before it turns into a wall of never ending fluff books. If I wanted crappy, never ending stories, I'd be reading those 10000 volume Shannarra books. Keep it simple, raw and to the point. We all just want to know how it ends.... Don't make us keep thinking well get an answer when in reality were just lining Stirlings pockets as he leaks this crap out. PLEASE JUST FINISH THE STORY YOU STARTED
  • toooooo sloooooooooowwww

    By fakehead
    I have enjoyed these books until now. It feels like the author is just filling up pages to stretch things out. Really annoying because I will see them through because I want to know what happens. I have to be honest though. If the next book is like this, I will wait until the series is concluded and then pick up a copy of "the change novels for dummies" to find out what happened. seriously
  • Tears of the Sun

    By STeve S S
    Another good romp with the Changlings. A different direction, but not following the Rudi and Mathilda story arc. I was expecting moving on to the final war story, but that apparently is two books away. A good read after I got over my disappointment.
  • Dale

    By DaleSchuh
    I really like this series, but this book was very confusing with all of the jumping around. It could easily have been two complete book. I look forward to the next one and hope it is better.
  • Really Slow

    By Harpo666
    So slow couldn't finish it. To much redundancy around first books in series. I tried really hard to hang in there because I loved the others but this was just so boring.
  • : for the fans of the Change novels only

    By Curiositrey
    I think a lot of readers of "the Change" novels will have a semi-valid argument, that this story could have easily been told in a trilogy...which is true, but it would be a whole lot less fun. I, for one, don't mind the extra books; I just wish they were all published now. Waiting two more years for the final pair of books is a tough row to hoe. I truly enjoyed The Tears of the Sun, Baroness D'Ath has always been one of my favorite characters, and she plays a prominent role in this volume. Stirling's latest release is essentially filling in background, developing characters, and setting up the final two books of the series, but it is still highly enjoyable. If you like the Changed world, you will probably enjoy this book.
