Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Boxers is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of 50+ true stories that answer questions like "What is dog rescue?" and "What is life like with an adopted Boxer?" It addresses the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy that rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Boxer lovers.
Review: "When I read this book, all I wanted was MORE! I loved the short, concise format which made this an extremely easy read. As an owner of several boxers over my life time, I have loved them all. The dogs in these stories expanded my view of the breed and only increased my devotion and love for them. The content was amazing because it gave me insight into the people and the dogs they loved. I laughed, cried, and couldn't put it down. The cover alone was enough to make me want to buy it because boxers really do smile. Where is volume 2?" - Cheryl Jensen, Boxer Fan