Robin Hood in a dystopian science-fiction future. Robert Hunter, incredibly rich son of a robotics magnate, takes on the role of Robin Hood as his father and grandfather did before him to free the people from oppression. The Hooded Man lives again, armed with high-tech weapons and hacking skills in place of a longbow, but always the hero of the common people. First of a series.
In this story, we meet Robert and his father and grandfather, who played the role of Robin before him, as well as John, Mary, and Alan, three of his partners in crime. We learn how the oppressive society where he lives came to be and how it is upheld by robot soldiers whose programming is a carefully-guarded secret. Robert is given a clue to unveiling that secret, which could let him overthrow the system and restore freedom to the people. But is it a trap? And even if it is, can he hope to spring the trap, take the bait, and survive? A great temptation and a real challenge for the Hooded Man.