From Despair to Joy
by A.P. Sharma
If happiness were a myth, the Buddha would never be able to accomplish it. Neither Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Gandhi and others, who followed the road to impersonal love, would ever have got it.
True,the path leading to impersonal love is certainly difficult, but nothing can be achieved without following the right path and the right means.
Happiness can be attained if one can cultivate silence of the mind. That silence can be attained by proper awareness.
It can be reached by keeping the mind totally alert so that it acts like an observer who works without interfering with others.
Happiness can surely be obtained by:
Keeping the mind’s energy intact, without wasting it in insignificant matters.
Attaining higher consciousness by meditation and prayers or by any informal procedure too, provided one is able to keep one’s mind alert and free from mental fetters.
Understanding and practising unselfish love.
Learning the importance of sacrifice and selflessness
About The Author:
A.P.Sharma was born on 25th December, 1932, at Dholpur, a small town in Rajasthan. After he graduated from Agra College, Agra, he shifted to Maharaja’s College, Jaipur, where from he completed his first Masters degree in English Literature.
Immediately after that he took up a Senior Master’s position with the Department of Education in Rajasthan and served the Government for almost fifteen years.
During that period, he also obtained another Master`s degree and a Ph.D. in Education from the Universities of Rajasthan and Udaipur respectively.
During 1972 he was offered a senior teaching position in Nigeria. He served there for more than twelve years as an Associate Reader of Education at the University of Sokoto.
He came back to India in 1985, became Principal of College of Education and later on worked as a Professor of Education at the IASE, Udaipur, where from he finally retired in 1991.
While he was working as a Professor, he also visited Willamette University as a Visiting Scholar, at Salem, Oregon, USA.