Oneness of God - David K. Bernard

Oneness of God

By David K. Bernard

  • Release Date: 2011-02-02
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 5
From 53 Ratings


Understanding is aimed for in this book. The treatment of the oneness of God is simple, but the truths are profound, scholarly, and priceless.


  • Biblical and profound

    By Bubba207
    A must read!
  • Biblical Teaching

    By jcupp5704
    David K. Bernard’s look into scripture on the identity of God is biblically sound doctrine. Highly recommend it!
  • Awesome!!!!

    By Dpat281
    Dr.David K Bernard is by far one of my favorite teachers. This book is a must have in your theology library.
  • You do not know God

    By Papo702
    Until you understand the oneness of God. Amazing well explained book. God bless you pastor Bernard
  • Awesome

    By Tayo_jr18
    This book really helped me understand the oneness of our Lord Jesus Christ through scripture.
  • Brother

    By Andyd3nny
    I will do my best to stay on point. I was introduced to the apostolic faith at the age of 16 but didn't fully accept the Oneness of God until much later in life. In fact, I fought it until I was nearly 27 years old. I am now 32 and am completely sold on this issue. At 27 I began to search this out myself but did not reference too many modern apostolic authors on this subject. In attempts to explain the Oneness of God to former church members (trinitarians) I found myself in quite a few dead ends; that is, until I began to read books such as "Doctrines of the Bible." I was amazed at how these articles explained God and His manifestation as the Son. After reading through small articles and chapters on the topic of Oneness, I eventually felt compelled to purchase The Oneness of God and The Oneness View of Jesus Christ. Once I studied these two books thoroughly I began to see even more where trinitarians are in the dark. Now, I am able to explain seemingly difficult scriptures to trinitarians in a way that makes sense. I believe the number one issue with the trinitarian mindset is that most believe the Son existed eternally. We know the Son was not and is not "eternal." Understanding the difference between "Spirit & flesh" versus "persons" or "members" is crucial in overcoming the deception of the trinity doctrine. I believe the Oneness of God is an excellent source and should be used as a discipleship tool in ALL Christian churches around the globe. This work has helped not only in bringing myself closer to the Truth, but also in converting my mother to the apostolic faith. My mother was raised Catholic but now has accepted the oneness of God as well as the new birth experience which Scripture patterns for us. Now she has been baptized in Jesus' name, infilled with the Holy Spirit, and continues to search out practical holiness according to the Scriptures. These types of testimonies are the result of great men of God who are obedient to His will. The apostolic movement is blessed to have such diligent scholars and theologians who devote their time to researching these issues in order that God's church will experience full restoration of knowledge of absolute doctrine. Grace and peace, Andrew M Denny Turning Point Life Center (Apostolic) New Castle, IN
  • Essential Reading

    By Jawbone54
    This is a long-standing must-read. For those raised in the Oneness doctrine, they should read this (accompanied at all times by their Bible) in order to fully understand the nature of God. I would strongly encourage trinitarians and non-Christians who are curious (or dubious) to not only read this book, but test it thoroughly against the Scriptures. The author is a highly intellectual and profoundly CHRISTIAN man, in the very best sense of the word. His credentials and education speak for themselves, but his character and humility are, and have long been, above reproach. Enjoy!
  • Must Read

    By Aleah_Kate
    This is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the nature of God. It Biblically lays out the reasons why Jesus was God manifest in the Flesh. How is it that Jesus is both the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? This book answers these questions using the Inspired Word of God as the line of reasoning.
  • WOW!!

    By andjdid
    And I have not even read it yet but I have heard so much about this author! Cannot wait to start!
  • Great Read

    By Rev. RJF
    This is a great look into the unity of the Godhead. This dispells the misconception of the trinity and sheds light on the Oneness of God. Very much worth the money.
