On the Day of Pentecost the early rain baptism of the Holy Spirit became available for every Christian. From that day onward every believer in Jesus could be filled with the Holy Spirit. God also foretold of a second great outpouring of the Holy Spirit called the latter rain. This latter rain would be poured out on Christians just prior to the second coming of Jesus and is necessary for God’s work to come to a glorious climax.
For centuries Christians have prayed for the latter rain of the Spirit. Ellen White counseled Adventists in her day to pray for the latter rain. Other leaders over the decades since Ellen White’s death in 1915 have also called for prayer for the latter rain. In the January 4, 1990, Adventist Review, Neal C Wilson, former General Conference President, wrote: “It is time for God's people to press together and earnestly seek the power of God's Spirit in the latter rain. It is this experience that will bring about the long-looked-for revival of apostolic, primitive godliness Ellen White wrote about.” Today, the General Conference administration is once again calling for prayer for the latter rain of the Spirit. Adventists around the world are praying every day for the latter rain and revival to take place in the church.
Now it is almost 100 years since the death of Ellen White and the latter rain has not yet fallen. An important question on most all Christian’s minds is; “Why has the latter rain not been poured out?” The world is certainly in a state of sin that cries out for a Spirit anointed message from God. The church is daily praying for it. Why no response from God?
This book answers the question of why the latter rain has not been poured out on God’s people. If you want to be ready to receive the latter rain of the Spirit it is essential you understand the experience in Christ necessary to benefit from this great final outpouring of God’s Spirit.
About Dennis Smith
Pastor Dennis Smith received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University. While at Colorado State he became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. After working in engineering for a short time he felt the call to fulltime ministry. Smith has served the church as active laymen, and in pastoral and departmental positions for over 46 years. He graduated from Andrews University Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity degree.
In September of 1999 the Lord led Pastor Smith to begin studying the biblical teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this study he was convicted to specifically pray for this biblical experience. Soon after he prayed for God to grant this infilling experience of the Spirit a new spiritual life began to take hold. Almost immediately Dennis felt led to begin writing about the things he was learning and experiencing. This book and the many previous books are the result of that experience.