Musings of a Watchman: A Compilation of Spiritual Writings: Volume One - Steve Porter

Musings of a Watchman: A Compilation of Spiritual Writings: Volume One

By Steve Porter

  • Release Date: 2021-11-14
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality


Musings of a Watchman isn't just any old book; not at all. Rather, it's for those who desire to go deep with God. It is not for those who want to maintain the status quo, staying comfortable and at ease on their spiritual journey. Author Steve Porter inspires a deeper walk that demands one's finest, and not a faint-hearted Easy Street religion. For the bride of Christ whose heart is overflowing with love and adoration for her heavenly bridegroom, each word will be a cherished treasure. 

This book was written to be a mentoring tool, one of a very special collection of books, which will allow the reader to bask in its marvelous truth, until its words produce transformation from the inside out. It is a unique book you'll want to return to, time and time again. In the end, I believe it will prove to be a valuable and encouraging friend.

Fellow pilgrims, I want to encourage you to begin your journey today by plunging into the depths of the heart of God. He is waiting for you in the garden of the Lord. He delights to draw close to His eager and willing Bride. His eyes are always on us, and in His presence, His beloved will flourish once more—brighter, sweeter, purer, lovelier, more glorious, and more radiant than the world has ever seen! Steve is a Watchman on the wall whose compilation of spiritual writings were birthed in the secret place of God—this one you won't want to miss.

Steve and his wife Diane founded Refuge Ministries and a presence-driven publishing company, Deeper Life Press. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. Steve's books, maturity pamphlets, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY. 
