Summary of Michael E. Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited - Falcon Press

Summary of Michael E. Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited

By Falcon Press

  • Release Date: 2021-07-13
  • Genre: Study Aids


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As a small business owner, your business is the clearest reflection of who you are and what you want from life.
Michael E. Gerber explains this and more in The E-Myth Revisited. Step by step, Gerber shows how to shift your focus away from what your business is producing, and toward how well your business is producing it for your customers. Every business is a set of interconnected systems, and it is your job as the owner to create a system that gives the customers what they want, inspires your employees to work under your rules, and leaves you free to work on your company, and not for it.
To begin living your life the way you want, you have to begin with running your business with that dream in mind.
