In Pastor Smith’s books many important subjects are presented related to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Each book presents biblical truths that are essential for God’s people to understand and experience in order to be ready for Christ’s Second Advent. This book is no different.
In this book, Spirit Baptism & Abiding in Christ, the biblical teaching of what it means to abide in Christ and His abiding in the believer is presented. Many Christians who sincerely want to obey Christ in all things fail again and again because of not understanding this marvelous truth. When Christ abides in the believer, and he knows how to let Christ manifest His life in and through him besetting sins will be overcome and their walk with the Lord will be one of continual victory.
The sad truth is that the majority of Christians do not understand this wonderful truth that is so simply and yet so elusive. This book presents important aspects of Christ’s abiding presence that will prove to bring into the readers life the blessings of redemption before undreamed of.