Glamour Scammers - Bill Etem

Glamour Scammers

By Bill Etem

  • Release Date: 2021-04-03
  • Genre: History


Christianity is the religion which says Jesus is God, the Divine Son that we read about in Psalm 2 and Isaiah 9. 6. Jesus is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53.  See also John 1. 1-14, Matthew 1. 23, Romans 9.6, Colossians 2. 8-10 and 1 Timothy 3. 16.

Christianity has lots of Hellfire scriptures: Revelation 21. 8 - all liars go to the lake of fire. Revelation 20. 12-15: those who do not have their names written in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire. Hellfire for those who do not know God and who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2 Thess 1. 8...

John 14. 23-26 says those who love Jesus keep His words and those who don't love Jesus don't keep His words.  In Matthew 25. 31-46 Jesus gives lots of info on how to escape Hellfire. In Matthew 16. 13-19 Jesus tells us He has founded His True Church on a rock and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. In Ephesians 4. 4 St. Paul says "there is one body" which is his terminology for there is one True Church.  Acts 26. 12-18 and Galatians 1. 8-12 tell us St. Paul's authority is from God.

So you can see there's a huge problem. There are hundreds or thousands of separate and unique denominations.  But there is only one True Church. The scriptures tell us it is heresy, it is a satanic lie, to say there is no True Church, or to say there is more than one True Church.

How do you know if your Church is God's True Church which leads people to Heaven or if it is a false church which leads people to perdition?

My books now are basically rough drafts. The descriptions of my 37 You Tube playlists give you the final productions, the link is on my Draft2Digital bio page.

My books and playlists walk you through the arguments and the evidence which say every church under the cross is a scam, every church under the cross is a false church lost in heresy and sacrilege: every church under the cross leads people to perdition.  If you disagree with that, if you insist the True Church is a Church under the cross, well, you still have to find the True Church, and you still have to escape from every false church lost in heresy to attain Heaven and escape perdition.

If the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are churches lost in heresy which have been leading people to Hell for century after century, if no end of Protestant churches are corrupt and lead people to Hell, but suppose, if you want, the True Church is a Church under the cross. Now how do you find it?

If it is INSANITY to say that every church you stumble across is God's True Church...

If Christianity is true, if you can trust John 14. 23-26, Matthew 16.13-19, Ephesians 4. 4...

The True Church exists but where is it?

The True Church, btw, is a collection of saints, not a building / cathedral.

1 Corinthians 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner.  In 1 Cor 6. 9-10 St. Paul gives a list of categories of sinners who will go to perdition.  If you are sharing the bread and the wine with people who openly push Anti-Christian things - Sabbath violators, pro-choicers, LGBT heretics - you're drinking damnation into your soul.

Churches lose money when they excommunicate people. Churches so often resemble businesses! If they don't make $$$ they go out of business.  But churches trample on 1 Cor 11. 27-29, and so they become false churches which drag people down to eternal perdition, when they don't excommunicate people who must be excommunicated.

For century after century various churches under the cross gave the bread and the wine to evil kings, evil nobles, evil priests, evil slavemasters...
