Sound Synthesis and Processing - Frequency, Amplitude and Waveform - Envelopes and Glissandi - Additive Synthesis and Vector Synthesis - Noise Generators - Filters - Subtractive Synthesis - Virtual Synthesizer Programming - Equalizers, Impulses and Resonant Bodies - Control Signals and LFOs - Pure Data Programming Techniques.
This is the first in a series of volumes dedicated to digital synthesis and sound design. It is part of a structured teaching method incorporating a substantial amount of online supporting materials: hundreds of sound examples and interactive examples, programs written in Pure Data, as well as a library of Pd objects created especially for this book.
“Music making is a much freer and wider-ranging activity than it was before the advent of electronics, mediated as they are almost always today by computers. There are many possibilities out there to explore, and studying both the theory and the practice of audio programming is the best first step of the way”(...) “This particular stack of technologies has been crafted with the goals of this book in mind: primarily, as I see it, to open a path along which the reader (whether a student or an independent reader) can get a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamental techniques for making music with a computer, to make this process as direct and straightforward as possible, and to require a minimum of specialized knowledge in advance.”
(from the foreword by Miller Puckette, the original author of Max and Pure Data)