Ever since arriving on Japanese shores nearly 3 decades ago, Houston, Texas native Gary J. Wolff has been enamored by the daily excitement of living in the Land of the Rising Sun and has strived his best to be somewhat of a goodwill ambassador. During his tenure in Japan, he has been taking lots of notes, both mentally and in written form, plus has taken literally thousands of pictures.
Every chance he gets, on his websites, thru social media, and in his university classes he tries to share interesting things about his own Texas culture, while learning as much as he can about the remarkable country of Japan from his many Japanese friends and students.
For the past 4 or 5 years or so, Gary has toyed with the idea of someday recording his thoughts and observations about the surprisingly large number of cultural, business, and many other connections between Japan and his home state of Texas. So finally, he is now sharing those observations in ebook form in an attempt to make that dream become reality.
With over 80 images and 25,000 words of text, the author first introduces some interesting facts which highlight in general the many connections between Texas and Japan. He then covers other topics in more detail including early Japanese settlers to southeast Texas over 100 years ago, sister city relationships, Japanese gardens in Texas, the amazing Samurai Wall in Dallas, the authentic Little Texas honky-tonk in the heart of Tokyo, NASA, sports, education, and many other business, political, and cultural connections which he hopes will prove to be both interesting and educational for the reader.