Would you be a disciple of Jesus?
From the Foreword:
“This book is the second on the subject of the Empire of the Risen Son…As Book One dealt with the Kingdom of God conceptually, this book deals with the Kingdom in practical terms. What does it mean, or require, to be a part of this Kingdom?”
This is not a book, it’s a life-changing journey! Within these pages, Dr. Gregg effectively becomes our passionate tour guide through a Royal Empire of cosmic proportions. Page after page will help you appreciate that this kingdom has its own benevolent laws, its own righteous economy, its own victorious foreign policy, and its own holy culture. Dr. Gregg skillfully explains exactly what it means to be a citizen of this divine domain. Personally, I have not read anything to date that does a better job at explaining the Lordship of Christ nor what it means to be His disciple. This must-read will leave you either sorrowful, like the rich young ruler, or you too will find yourself singing the joyful anthem of this Kingdom’s Christ!
— David Martinez
International evangelist and teacher of the Bible